In 2020, the French government selected "Nice, Capital of Riviera Tourism" for inscription on the World Heritage List to be presented to UNESCO. This application concerned the urban complex of nearly 600 hectares which, from 1760 to the present day, played an exclusive role in the urban development of the Azure capital. The Minister of Culture at the time, Franck Riester, said: "The Nice file, which we decided to defend, is very original. It is a question of recognizing the heritage value of a new type of urbanism: cosmopolitan and leisure-oriented. What happened in Nice from the end of the 18th century was the invention of an important part of our modernity." A new type of town planning for the winter resort appeared in Nice at that period. A new town was built on an exceptional site, between sea and mountain, from a pre-existing urban core. A new and cosmopolitan city whose development was, between 1760 and 1960, determined by the function of resort. From the second half of the 19th century, the international success of Nice inspired the development of similar settlements along the coasts with similar relief and climate characteristics. Nice, because of its urban scale and the diversity of heritage strata it contains, is the model of reference of the city of Riviera.
The project of the city of Nice attracted the World Heritage Committee, its President H.E. Mr Tian Xuejun and the representatives of the 21 Member States of UNESCO. Each year, the organization designates a set of cultural and natural properties of exceptional interest to the common heritage of humanity.

But what does this project represent?
The World Heritage List of Nice includes an urban complex of 550 hectares shaped by two and a half centuries of resort and tourist activity. An area that includes the Promenade des Anglais, the Quai des Etats-Unis and the terraces of Ponchettes. The perimeter also includes Mount Boron, the hills of Cimiez and Baumettes as well as the Russian Orthodox Cathedral. The city has been working on this project since 2008 “to bring to life all that we had forgotten: the beauty of our facades, our buildings, our places of worship so diverse, our gardens, our landscapes, our public spaces", said Mr. Estrosi the mayor of Nice who has committed the project of inscription of Nice to the heritage of UNESCO. The city has inventoried and protected more than 300 buildings under the Local Metropolitan Urban Plan, which has restored dozens of buildings, villas and gardens on more than 500 hectares. For this bid, the city invested around 100 million euros. A big budget that helped embellishment of the Promenade des Anglais, the renovation of churches and some emblematic hotels on Verdun. Already in October 2017, Christian Estrosi, asked Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Transport to downgrade the Promenade des Anglais and the quai des Etats-Unis, which are on the list of major roads by the State. An additional argument for inclusion on the World Heritage List.What’s going to change for locals of Nice?
- First, it is a worldwide recognition of the value of Nice’s heritage. It has become “one of the reference cities of the World Heritage” (M. Estrosi)
- The city is known as a summer destination and this UNESCO World Heritage List will therefore be “a strong signal for internationally and winter tourism, less known.” (Rudy Salles – Deputy President of the Nice Tourist Office)
- The ranking obliges the city in terms of urbanism, compliance with a specification to maintain the assets of Nice. To be classified is also to have a long-term urban policy, to have a development and an overall vision of the territory.
N.B.: it would be noted here the risk of being deleted from the list if new constructions or developments harm or distort the protected site. A recent example - the city of Liverpool whose name was removed from the list by the UNESCO decision. The historic centre and docks of Liverpool, the birthplace of the Beatles, were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2004, for having witnessed the development of one of the major centres of world trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the session held in China took the decision to withdraw it because the “new structures of the city undermined the authenticity and integrity of the site” - UNESCO does not give an envelope with the nomination and the sites concerned by the rankings commit to a duty of preservation, without any financial support from UNESCO. On the other hand, the organization provides experts if necessary to help preserve the sites concerned.
- Within the classified area, demolition and construction permits must obtain the assent of the architect of the “Bâtiments de France”. Let’s hope that the charming buildings we know in Old Nice or the streets of the perimeter will not be the object of a real estate speculation labelled "UNESCO."
- Sites inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage in Danger list receive financial assistance under the World Heritage Convention.
To know the global strategy for a world heritage list click here.
For more information, please contact Sabina Aliyeva: s.aliyeva@rosemont.mc
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Sources :
https://www.parismatch.com/Actu/Societe/Nice-integre-la-liste-du-Patrimoine-mondial-de-l-Unesco-1750487 https://www.latribune.fr/depeches/reuters/KBN2ER1O1/liverpool-retiree-de-la-liste-du-patrimoine-mondial-de-l-unesco.html